
房奴的情景对话Unit 50

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  随着经济的快速发展,现在很多人多少都会有一点房奴的影子,以下是小编给大家整理的Unit 50:房奴的情景对话,希望可以帮到大家

  A: I am so happy. I have found a new job.

  A: 太高兴了,我找到新工作了。

  B: Congratulations!

  B: 恭喜啊!

  A: Thank you. I have to find a new place to live. Do you know any apartment available?

  A: 谢谢,但是我现在得找个新的地方住,你知道哪里有公寓租吗?

  B: You could search on the Internet to see if there are some apartments for renting. Maybe you could try to buy a new house. Anyway, you have a good salary.

  B: 你可以在网上找一找有没有出租的房子。你也可以买套房子啊,你的薪水很高啊。

  A: Houses are so expensive and I can't afford it.

  A: 房价那么高,我也买不起啊。

  B: You may think about buying a second-hand house. How much are you going to spend?

  B: 你可以考虑买二手房啊。你打算花多少钱啊?

  A: About 7 000 yuan.

  A: 7千左右吧。

  B: You can buy an apartment in the suburbs.

  B: 你可以在郊区买套小公寓。

  A: OK, I need to think about it carefully.

  A: 我会认真考虑一下的。

  A: I am thinking about buying an apartment recently.

  A: 我最近一直都在考虑买套小公寓。

  B: It's a good idea. But the housing price is pretty high.

  B: 想法不错啊。不过现在的房价很高啊!

  A: I know. The housing price keeps rising. I will never afford to get my own house if I do not buy an apartment now.

  A: 我知道,但是房价一直在涨,如果我现在不买,以后估计再也买不起了。

  B: How are you going to pay for the apartment?

  B: 那么,你打算怎么付款呢?

  A: My parents prefer to buy it one time.

  A: 我父母希望一次性付款。

  B: It is a good idea. Your parents both have good jobs. They have a lot of money in hand.

  B: 不错啊,你父母的工作都不错,手中应该有些钱的。

  A: But I prefer to take out a mortgage. Anyway, I am making money. I don't want to borrow money from them. You know the interest rates are much lower.

  A: 但是我希望采用银行按揭的方式。毕竟我现在已经开始赚钱了,我不大想再去借他们的钱。现在的银行利率也不高。

  B: Anyway, buying an apartment is a big investment. You need to think about it carefully.

  B: 不管怎样,买房是个大投资,你需要好好考虑一下。


